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    Fundación Utopía Verde: Internet, Ecología, Paz, Derechos Humanos, Defensa de los Animales, Cultura, Software y Conocimiento Libre,... Sociedad Civil de Huelva: ciudadanos, asociaciones, fundaciones, plataformas ciudadanas y otras organizaciones onubenses sin ánimo de lucro (ONG). Diseño web y otros servicios avanzados de Internet: registro de dominios, diseño web, administración electrónica y alojamiento web. Software Libre, CMS, tiendas electrónicas, foros, galerías, listas de correo, ERP, CRM,... Html, Python, Zope, Plone, Php, MySQL, Certificados SSL, LSSI, LOPD y otros servicios de Internet. Traducciones, publicidad on line, formación, manuales, estudios tecnológicos, etc. Huelva, Andalucía y resto de España.

    ¿What it is CREARC?

    CREARC- Corporation for Analysis, Research, Peace Education and Conflict Resolution
    “Together building peace”

    I honor the place inside of you where the whole universe
    I honor the place where you are in that place inside of
    you and I am in that place inside of me, we are one.

    CREARC - Corporation for Analysis, Investigation, Peace Education, and Conflict Resolution. (Spanish acronym for Corporación para el Análisis, la Investigación, la Educación para la Paz y la Resolución de Conflictos).

    It is a non profit private legal entity, we do peace field investigation, peace education, peace building, fundamental rights, peaceful transformation of conflicts and disputes.


    Social justice based on cooperation, human development, non violence, peaceful coexistence and reconciliation.


    To participate in the construction of a peace culture through analysis, education and peace investigation.


    Some of our objectives are:

    * To negotiate and realize social, educative, and community projects.

    * To promote analysis and investigation of law, Education theories, Human Rights and Peace,

    * To collaborate in the development of alternative methods to solve conflicts.

    * To create informal education training events within CREARC work areas.

    * To publish the investigation monographs and CREARC project results.

    * To lead forums, symposiums, working days, meetings, congresses, conferences, networks etc.


    Quality, service, people, attention, self maintenance, opportunity and social responsibility.


    Some of our values are:

    Affirmation, self esteem, confidence, communication, mutual respect, understanding, leadership, cooperation, social projection, creativity, organization, honesty and transparency, commitment, plurality, interdisciplinary work and critical spirit.

    Translation: Bonnie Klassen (2003) and Alba Luz Arrieta Cabrales (2005)


    Approved by Resolution 597 of 2003 by the Ministry of the Interior and Justice

    This Project of the Corporation for the Analysis, the Investigation, the Education for Peace and Conflict Resolution, CREARC explores the interaction with the social reality through reconciliation, conciliation, mediation, and other alternative means of conflict resolution.

    This is a project of CREARC that seeks to interact with social realities through conciliation and other alternative means to solve tensions.

    What we Offer

    - Services in conciliation.
    - Analysis, consulting services, advice, investigation and training in peaceful conflict transformation.
    - Support for alternative conflict resolution in Colombia and in other countries.


    - Highly trained personnel qualified in the areas of conciliation and arbitration.
    - Support from an interdisciplinary team
    - Impartiality and clear ethics in the treatment of conflicts.
    - The will to seek peaceful solutions
    - Efficiency and economy in resolving conflicts
    - Honesty and transparency
    - Creation of spaces for dialogue
    - Conciliation and arbitration that humanize the conflict
    - Dignity in the lawyer’s profession
    - The different parties in the conflict manage the facts and the lawyers manage the legal aspects.

    Conciliation is a mechanism for resolving conflicts through which the people involved themselves create solutions for their differences with the help of a trained neutral third party, called a conciliator.

    Request for Conciliation

    A document is addressed to the Center for Conciliation CREARC

    This document should include:

    - the name and home address of the person making the request
    - the name and home address of the other parties in the conflict
    - the name of the representatives of the parties, if that be the case
    - a description of the facts, events and differences that need to be conciliated
    - the subject of the conciliation
    - the amount
    - payment of the audience

    Translation:Bonnie Klassen - 2003


    It analyzes the conflict and its causes, the globalization and its effects, from a multidisciplinary perspective and it also outlines alternatives in the public policies as a form of peaceful transformation of the structural conflict.

    It has a work proposal that includes a Conflict
    observatory, research projects, publications and a documentation centre.

    The Research Peace Centre is a project of studies and popularisation of the Corporation for the Analysis, Research, Education for Peace and Conflict Resolution, CREARC.

    We analyze the conflict and their causes, the globalisation system and its effects, development and tendencies, from a multidisciplinary perspective of the investigation for the peace and we seek to outline alternatives in public policies as a form of peaceful transformation of the structural conflict.

    Our work proposal includes research projects, a conflict observatory, publications and a documentation centre.




    This Observatory has been planned by CREARC as the first strategy for investigation. The Observatory leads us to the social reality and its interpretation: at the time that it systematizes information on specific topics, it serves as raw material for the analysis work. Moreover, it promotes meetings, debates and publications. It also establishes a permanent and direct flow of information among those who produce information and analyze it in the work fields defined in the investigation lines.


    The basic research lines are the following ones:

    Alternative dispute resolution (ADR)
    Daily social violence.
    Education, culture, media and peace.
    Peace building and human rights.
    Non-violence and pacifism.
    International conflict.
    National conflict.
    Environmental conflict.


    CREARC has a centre of documentary resources specialized on texts of theory of the conflict, peace building, reconciliation, arbitration, negotiation, transaction, mediation, research for the peace, education for peace, human rights, violence, alternative methods of conflict resolution, and a bibliography on conflict resolution. Most of the texts are in Spanish and some of them are in English or French.

    The Documentation Centre is divided in three sections:

    * File of Documents:
    With literature from different organisms, institutions, and national and international Non Governmental Organizations.

    * File of Magazines: With magazines selected thematically.

    * Library: 600 volumes, organized in thematic sections.

    Public and free access
    Call for a previous appointment
    No borrow books service

    Translation: Alba Luz Arrieta Cabrales - 2005


    It is the area of CREARC work conflict transformation involves transforming the relationships that support violence.

    The transformation of the conflict is the changes of people and the relations that created the initial conflict.

    Thus, the cause-and-effect relationship goes both ways–from the people and the relationships to the conflict and back to the people and relationships.

    In this sense, “conflict transformation” is a term that describes a natural occurrence.

    Conflicts change relationships in predictable ways, altering communication patters and patterns of social organization, altering images of the self and of the other.

    CREARC works in the area of mediaciòn, negotiation, facilitation and reconciliation.


    The Seminar of Education for Peace, CREARC, gathers people coming from different fields of the formal, not formal and informal education. Education for peace, according to our understanding, is a liberating education which encourages social action, peace and justice.

    The Seminar enables people with skills to face intolerance, conformism, ethnocentrism and other attitudes that contribute to perpetuate the structural, cultural and direct violence, in a peaceful way.


    The specific objectives are to:

    * Promote consciousness on the need of practicing Conflict Transformation and the building of a peace culture.

    * Raise interest and sensitiveness towards the need of educating on and for the peace, human rights and development.

    * Contribute to the formation of educators and multipliers of groups of education on peace.


    The Seminar approaches different subjects through diverse methodologies and levels (introductory—basic—advanced:

    Theory of the conflict
    Ethics and conflict
    Art and conflict
    Anthropology of the conflict
    Pedagogy of the conflict
    Gender and conflict
    Right and conflict
    Social conflict
    Cultural, ethnic, religious and environmental conflicts.
    Education for peace
    Culture of peace
    Peace research
    Studies on peace
    Elements and basic tools for the Conflict analysis
    Introduction and evolution of human rights
    Classification of human rights, duties and obligations
    Human dignity and human rights
    Introduction to economic, social and cultural rights (ESCR)
    Conflict and peaceful transformation
    Communication in Conflict Transformation
    Alternative methods of Conflict Resolution (Basic Course)
    Alternative methods of Conflict Resolution (Advanced Course)
    Alternative methods of Conflict Resolution (Compared Rights)
    Alternative methods of Conflict Resolution, Psycho-social and
    Interdisciplinary aspects
    Jurisprudence and doctrine on mediation and conciliation
    Community justice
    Judges of peace
    Reconstruction, resolution and reconciliation
    Systems of Justice Administration
    Non-violence and pacifism
    Psychological treatment to the victims of violence
    Domestic Violence
    Post modernity, Rights and Juridical pluralism.

    Translation: Alba Luz Arrieta Cabrales - 2005


    CREARC - Corporation for Analysis, Investigation, Peace Education and Conflict Resolution

    6019358137 - (057) 3153397145

    E- mail

    Web CREARC

    Blog CREARC

    Bogotá D.C. - Colombia - Suramérica

    Translation: Bonnie Klassen (2003) and Alba Luz Arrieta Cabrales (2005)